Queen's chamber - WATER |
The Locality and its Gods(Intro) Chambers: Subterranean chamber - earth Queen's chamber - water King's chamber - air Sun's chamber - fire Starry sky's chamber - aether Speculations: For the King or for the Priests? Grand Gallery - fire on earth To Gallery or water's chamber? Interesting Ante-chamber Earlier pyramids |
Tradition has named this chamber the Queen's chamber. The right name would be TEFNUT's
chamber. She was goddess for mist and rain, which is water in dynamic up-down motion contrary to for instance the horizontal flow of the water of the
Nile. This is very important! Tefnut's reign is the water, both dynamically combining with air which later falls as rain, and combining with earth from which it raises as mist. In this behaviour it is truly a magic element. Naturally Tefnut's chamber must be situated between the chambers for earth and air - higher than GEB's, but lower than SHU's. |
The danish architect Hubert Paulsen demonstrated how a hexagon can be inscribed in this chamber's vertical plane. [1] If you do so, the centre of the hexagon will be at exactly 1/6 of the pyramids original height which was 280 cubits (Paulsen did not see this). ![]() With 20 cm of water added it all fits |
The middle element Instead of a hexagon you can inscribe a six-pointed star. The star of David, or Solomon's Seal - the latter considered a sign of magic. How old it is I do not know. The sign is constructed by placing two triangles one upon another. One pointing upwards, the other pointing downwards. The meaning is obvious: magic combines the heavenly with the earthly. Just like the water of Tefnut. So appropriate that this sign fits here (can it be this old?). |
Shortly before you enter the chamber the floor level drops 1 cubit (1 cubit is 52,36 cm). Hubert Paulsen, amongst others, stated therefore that this was another unfinished chamber - a layer of tiles was never put in place. However, if you add a layer of tiles 1 cubit thick the alignment with the hexagon is gone. If there was 20 cm of water instead, it would align perfectly. |
The Niche In the eastern wall we find a famous niche. Some have suggested it was meant for a statue, others obviously got the idea it was the start of a secret passage and tried to force their way through.
I find it very funny that people for centuries have glanced at the niche, wondering which statue might have stood here. Or what was missing. Appearently nobody so far has
realized that the niche itself is the decoration!
It explains something. It ought to be interpreted as a negative form. The niche represents five boxes - five empty spaces - above each other. They are the five elements. They are also the five chambers in the pyramid. And as the five gods in their proper order the niche is an image of the world.
Now, we know that it is the second box from the bottom which represents Tefnut's element and
her chamber. Is it the reason that one side of this second box and no other aligns with the middle line of the chamber as well as of the entire pyramid? |
![]() 1) The niche itself is important! 2) The mid-line of the pyramid aligns with the side of the second "box" |
There can be many ideas about what the plug hides and why it is there. Of course I ask myself if it helps knowing that this was the chamber of TEFNUT, goddess for the dynamic and magically moving water? I believe this to be facts then:
Okay, here's a wild guess on the idea: maybe the plug just served the sole purpose to assertain that the shaft would not be filled with dirt and rubble. A simple precaution. There would be no way to clean the dead end shaft from the top. |